Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm going on VACATION!!!

So, no Wedding Wednesday post today because I'm going on vacation!

In less than 12 hours, I will be leaving my lil apartment and my puppies in the care of a friend while me and the Pre-Hubby hope on a plane and head to Philadelphia!! One of my good friends from my 1st year of college is getting married (does that count for Wedding Wednesday?)! I'm excited to see people that I haven't seen since I left Pennsylvania 9 years ago. Even more exciting will be the fact that Pre-Hubby will be with me to see the people I talk about!

I will try to get my Fitness Friday post up this week, and have a guest spot for Savory Sunday! Other than that, I'm offline until I return next Tuesday! Hope you all have a great rest of the week and weekend!

Peace and Good JuJu,

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