What one word could describe your 2014? What word will you use to set your intentions for next year?
No better way to describe it. So many changes with school, with work, with my family. Its really been a chaotic year.
I stepped into a new role at work and its been one adventure after another as I've grown and learned so many new skills. I've adapted to the added responsibilities, but still trying to adapt to the added stresses.
School has been a blur. Its been difficult to find the time to sit and study when I feel like I've been so on the go with work. So many hours extra each week of work, take away from the hours I have to study. Its difficult to organize time when I'm so focused on work. There are some major positives that have come from that, but I'm not proud of the negatives. Particularly the fact that I had to push off my graduation by 6 months. But I'll get to end soon!
In addition to my own schooling, after trying ALL YEAR to get accepted, my husband started a 2 year program this fall for his own degree. I am so incredibly proud of him and progress he's made. Its added an extra schedule challenge to navigate, but we are working through it and starting to find our rhythm.
Next year, all the best intentions will be made to make the year Adventurous! Next year, Caveman and I will take a 10 day vacation to Florida for tons of fun, and will also be saving all our pennies for moving to a house. We are so excited to find a place of our OWN - no longer being in apartments, but finding a home that we can call ours and have a yard for our pups. I can't wait for the adventure to come in 2015!

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