Friday, April 5, 2013

School, Diet, Life - Where did the time go!

Hello Blog-o-sphere! Long time, no chat.

Boy have things been busy!  I know I've been feeling a little lost lately and figured I'd come back and share with you all. I finished out #Reverb12 and since then I've been going a million miles a minute!

To summarize, I started my my bachelor's program for Business Management, I wrote my first article for PopChix, I spent 10 days in Idaho with my family in January, Caveman and I decided that we are moving to Idaho in June, I proposed a remote worker arrangement for my job and they approved it, registered for the Color Run in Boise, we started a 30 day Paleo diet challenge, and I celebrated my 29th birthday!

Wow - its only been 3 full months into the new year and already I've accomplished so much! Its time to get back to my writing - back to my sharing - back to my updating!! I'll stick to writing about what I know - recipes that I love, my weight loss challenge, and now the joys of being a college student again!

Keeping it simple for my first foray back into blogging. Looking forward to the weeks to come!

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